Tanya Khan PS Opens its Doors
Tanya Khan PS opened its doors to families on the first day of school.
We are so pleased to welcome families to our new school building.
Tanya Khan PS opened its doors to families on the first day of school.
We are so pleased to welcome families to our new school building.
Hello World!
The Best Buddies Prom brings together students from all 33 high schools for a day of inclusive and accessible celebration.
"The Best Buddies prom is an opportunity for everybody to celebrate. It's an inclusive event, it's accessible to everyone," said Shana Mayer, Department Head of Special Education, Milliken Mills H.S.
"We're at Best Buddies Prom. Just have and dance," said Joseph, a Grade 10 student. "Thank you for the Best Buddies Prom."
First Nation, Métis and Inuit students in Grade 12 have been making moccasins that they can take with them when they graduate. The moccasins will help to keep the students connected to their culture as they take their next steps forward in a good way.
The students learned how to make the moccasins with Elder Lynda Booth and her daughter Laura from Hiawatha First Nations.
Self-identified Indigenous students from across the board had the opportunity to connect with one another, the land and teachings in a day of tree-top trekking.
"Being here as a whole entire community and listening to our Elders, it's just amazing," said Ashton, Grade 12 student, Huron Heights S.S.
Test news 1
Unionville H.S. students gained hands-on experience in fields such as electronics, coding, architecture and energy systems in a post-secondary environment at Centennial College.
Over 130 students four different secondary schools, including Unionville H.S. visited the Centennial College Progress Campus to participate in workshops tailored to their Specialist High-Skills Majors programs. Students had an opportunity to learn more about post-secondary environments, meet faculty, visit classrooms and gain new skills.
The Grade 11 young entrepreneurs are hosting their annual business fair Friday, June 9-14.