Welcome to Unionville High School. Our website has been created for you, to share information, news, and stories about UHS with you. Throughout the website, you will find information that will guide you in high school and post secondary school planning. You will find information about each subject area and the related courses of study. The UHS website is an important and valuable resource for students, parents, and guardians during the high school years; thus, we invite you to visit often.
As you open each of the tabs on the website you will find that Unionville High School offers a variety of learning opportunities for students, ones in which students are able to develop their skills and talents, increase their knowledge and understanding, and form their character. UHS students are encouraged through these opportunities to grow academically, emotionally, and socially for success.
Our UHS school motto signifies the high school journey to success as one that promotes and values creating and achieving. Within all aspects of the high school experience, students are asked to think creatively based on the belief that “education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”. (Albert Einstein)
UHS staff and students work together to create a learning environment that “supports personal interest, involvement, enjoyment and engagement”, (Hennessey and Amabile, 2010). Our students face challenging tasks with determination and commitment. They are motivated to learn, to create, and to achieve success, whether it is in the classroom, on the sports’ fields, on stage, or within the school community.
The result of the students’ determination over the years has established a tradition of excellence for all UHS students, whether it is in arts, athletics, or academics. Our students strive each year to be literate 21st century graduates who pursue post secondary pathways with a sense of accomplishment. Our students leave UHS ready to connect their thinking to post secondary experiences, inspired to explore new possibilities by their experiences at Unionville High School.